
Basic concepts:

A site visitor is a person who came to without the purpose of placing an Order.
The User is an individual, a site visitor who accepts the terms of this Agreement and wants to place Orders in the Online store "WTMZ".
The buyer is a person who has accepted a public offer on the terms of this offer, placing orders and purchasing goods from IP Gogorian Elina Petrosovna, which are presented on the website, for their personal, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity.
Seller — Ip "Gogorian Elina Petrosovna" (TIN 840103620860 / OGRN 319784700295549), registration address: 196158, Russia., St. Petersburg, Cosmonauts ave., 61, letter A, sq. 186.
Online store is the official online store of the Seller of IP "Gogorian Elina Petrosovna", located at the Internet address where the Goods offered by the Seller for purchase, as well as payment terms and delivery of Goods to Customers are presented.
Website —
Product — clothing, shoes, accessories and other goods presented for sale on the Website.
An order is a duly executed and posted request from the User, the Buyer (the corresponding fields on the website are filled in in the "Shopping Cart", "Ordering" section) for the purchase and delivery to the address specified by the User, the Buyer / by means of pickup of the Goods selected on the Website.
Acceptance — execution by the Buyer of an order for Goods in accordance with the terms of the Public Offer.

1. General provisions

1.1. The Seller sells Goods through the Online store at the address

1.2. By ordering Goods through the Online Store, the User agrees to the terms of sale of Goods set out below (hereinafter referred to as the Terms of Sale of Goods). In case of disagreement with this Public Offer, the User is obliged to immediately stop using the service and leave the website.

1.3. These Terms of Sale of goods, as well as information about the Goods presented on the Website, are a public offer in accordance with Article 435 and paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Relations in the field of consumer rights protection are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law "On Consumer Rights Protection", the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Rules for the Sale of Goods by Remote means" and other federal laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it.

1.4. The Public Offer may be changed by the Seller unilaterally without notifying the User / Buyer. The new version of the Public Offer comes into force after its publication on the Website and applies to any Order made after publication, unless otherwise provided by the terms of this Public Offer.

1.5.1. The Public Offer is recognized as accepted by the Site Visitor / Buyer from the moment the Buyer places an Order without authorization on the Site, as well as from the moment the Order is accepted from the Buyer through the "Order Form" page of the Site, which opens if you go to the "Place an order" page in the Shopping Cart section.

1.5.2. The contract concluded on the basis of the Buyer's acceptance of this offer is an accession agreement to which the Buyer joins without any exceptions and/or reservations.

1.5.3. The fact of placing an order by the Buyer is an unconditional fact of acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of this Agreement. A buyer who has purchased goods from the Seller's online store (who has placed an order) is considered as a person who has entered into a relationship with the Seller under the terms of this Agreement.

1.6. The retail purchase and sale agreement is considered concluded from the moment the Seller issues the Buyer a cash or commodity receipt or other document confirming payment for the goods.

1.7. By informing the Seller of his e-mail (e-mail address) and phone number, the Site Visitor / Buyer agrees to the use of these means of communication by the Seller, as well as by third parties attracted by him for the purpose of fulfilling obligations to Site Visitors / Buyers, in order to carry out promotional and informational mailings containing information about discounts, upcoming and current promotions and other events of the Seller, about the transfer of the order for delivery, as well as other information, directly related to the fulfillment of obligations by the Buyer under this Public Offer.

1.8. By making an Order, the Buyer agrees that the Seller can entrust the execution of the Contract to a third party, while remaining responsible for its execution.

1.9. The buyer can place an order in the Online store at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for periods of routine maintenance or technical failures.

1.10. The addresses and operating hours of the pick-up point, as well as the conditions for making a refund, are available on in the "Delivery" and "Return" sections.

1.11. All text information and graphic images of goods posted on the Website are the property of the Seller or its counterparties. Viewing information or printing pages of the Site is allowed only for personal use.

2. Subject

2.1. The subject of this Public Offer is to enable the User to purchase for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity, Goods presented in the catalog of the Online store at by purchasing Goods.

2.2. This Public Offer applies to all types of Goods and services presented on the Site, as long as such offers with a description are present in the catalog of the Online store.

3. The product and the order of purchase

3.1. Registration on the Website is not mandatory for placing an Order.

3.2. The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the User when ordering the goods.

3.3. Communication of the User / Buyer with managers and other representatives of the Seller should be based on the principles of generally accepted morality and communication etiquette. It is strictly prohibited to use obscene words, swearing, insulting expressions, as well as threats and blackmail, regardless of the form and to whom they were addressed.

3.4. All goods are made to the Customer's order, the production period from the moment of payment of the goods is 2 working weeks. If the Goods ordered by the Buyer are not available in the Seller's warehouse or the order cannot be made for any reason, the latter has the right to exclude the specified Goods from the Order / cancel the Buyer's Order, notifying the Buyer by sending an appropriate e-mail to the address specified by the Buyer during registration. The photos accompanying the Product are simple illustrations to it and may differ from the actual appearance of the Product. The descriptions/characteristics accompanying the Product do not claim to be exhaustive and may contain typos. To clarify information about the Product, the Buyer should contact the Seller through the feedback system specified in the "Contacts" section.

3.5. In case of cancellation of a fully prepaid Order, the cost of the canceled Goods is returned by the Seller to the Buyer in the manner in which the Goods were paid for.

3.6. The Buyer's order is made in accordance with the procedures specified on the Website in the "Shopping Cart" section.

3.7. The Buyer is fully responsible for providing incorrect information, which resulted in the inability of the Seller to properly fulfill its obligations to the Buyer.

3.8. After placing an Order on the Website, the Buyer is provided with information about the expected delivery time by sending an email message to the address specified by the Buyer during registration.

3.9. The date of delivery of the Goods may be changed unilaterally by the Seller if there are objective reasons, in the Seller's opinion.

4. Order delivery

4.1. Methods, as well as approximate terms of delivery of Goods sold by the Seller, are indicated on the Website in the "Delivery" section at Specific delivery dates can be agreed upon by the Buyer when confirming the order.

4.2. Delivery is carried out by courier in all cities of Russia and/ or around the world by a transport company and/ or postal service. The territory of delivery of Goods presented on the Website and sold by the Seller is not limited (worldwide) and /or in exceptional cases is determined depending on the type of Goods. In exceptional cases, the territory and/or delivery methods are indicated in the section of the Goods registration and/or specified by the Seller.

4.2.1. The delivery of goods to individual countries may be limited by the legislation of the country of delivery and/or the provisions of individual countries and/or international relations. If the delivery of the goods is restricted, the goods must be returned to the seller in an affordable way, the money paid for the goods will be returned within 10 days in the way that the money was paid for the goods.

4.2.2. The Buyer can pick up from all the Seller's stores on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4.2.3. At the same time with the Goods, the Seller submits a return form with information about the return period and a reminder for the care of the Goods.

4.2.4. For Customers from non-CIS countries, the Seller sends the order without taking into account taxes and duties of the Buyer's country of residence. The shipping price does not include taxes and duties.

4.3. The Seller tries to comply with the agreed delivery terms as much as possible. The Seller is not responsible for possible delays in delivery due to unforeseen circumstances that occurred through no fault of the Seller.

4.4. Upon delivery, the Order is handed over to the Buyer or to a third party specified in the Order as the recipient (hereinafter, the Buyer and the third party are referred to as the "Recipient"). If it is impossible for the above-mentioned persons to receive the Order, the Order can be handed over to a person who can provide information about the Order (shipment number and/or Recipient's full name).